Robert Bajorin

Original Oil Paintings
by California Artist

robert bajorin

Robert Bajorin

All Paintings include Frame, any questions please contact us at 916-802-7378.

"The River"
9"x12" oil on board

Price: $450.00

8"x 10" Oil on Board

Price: $350.00

"Italian Riviera Fishing Trip"
11"x 14" Oil on Board

Price: $450.00

"Lauderie Paris"
11"x14" oil on board

Price: $450.00

"A Gorgeous Woman"
8"x 10" Original Oil on board

Price: $350.00

"Portrait of a Girl"
9"x 12"Original oil on board

Price: $350.00

"Another Pretty Face"
8"x 10" Oil on board

Price: $350.00

"Still Life"
8"x 10" original on board

Price: $350.00




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